OhmiGeassu {My Code Geass review}
Monday, March 9, 2009
Those who are prepared
to fire
Are the only ones
to be fired at
to fire
Are the only ones
to be fired at
I bestow upon you all my views on the anime, Code Geass.
The Plot :
9/10. It's a bit crazy, but it's good. I just love the whole plot, entirely, and the twists and also those crazy spin-offs.
The Graphics :
10. Nuff said.
The Characters :
10. Seriously! Who'd have ever thought that pesky Nunnally would end up killing her own brother?!
10. Okay. This is biased but that up there is sort of a joke. Here is my real review :
I have come to love this great anime, Code Geass. I have not watched Death Note yet but people say Code Geass ripped Death Note off. Well, I'll just see, won't I?
I personally hated Lelouch back in the first season, up until the very last episode and when he and Suzaku aimed their guns at each other, all I was hoping for was that Lelouch would die there and then. But he didn't. So long for that.
The first season is a bit crazy, so many lives weren't even spared. Such was Euphemia vi Britannia, 3rd Princess to the Britannian Empire. My loathe for Lelouch/Zero was at it's highest point because I seriously liked Euphie. God, Lelouch. Way to slaughter them all.
I like C.C and the pairing of Lelouch but I still hate him, well, dislike him because he crushed my first OTP - Suzaku/Euphie. So yes. I hate him because of that. And he is so totally just using people for his own gain. Screw you, Nunnally.
Kallen Kouzuki is my favorite girl character, top 1, and she remains as so even to this day. Her Knightmare is awesome! Lloyd Asplund is just hilarious. I forgot to mention that I instantly fell in love with Kururugi Suzaku when he came out. :D
The ending was...very...O.O'' I was seriously pushing the play/play button cause I thought my DVD was busted. "It can't end here! It can't!" So yeah. And enter, second season which I had to watch online cause I haven't bought the DVD yet.
I was exceptionally shocked when Villetta Nu (I love her! :D) went undercover as a teacher. Lelouch didn't even seem as if he was Zero...and then enter a new lead character - Rolo Lamperouge! Rolo is adorable and I love him to bits!
So when Lelouch was all, "I'm just gonna use you" - after he regained his memories cause of C.C - I seriously started hating him more. God, damn you Lelouch.
So fast forward, fast forward...I pity Lelouch. He's gained my sympathy. I was like, when he was off battling with the lulz Black Knights, "No, no, Lelouch!" so yeah...I kinda like him. D: He isn't killing that much anymore. But he's still a psycopath.
Hmm...Rolo's end was...so...sad. He died saving Lelouch. Oh well. I'm a Britannian and all that but I can't bear to see Lelouch or the Black Knights hurt, same goes with the Britannia army, aka, the Knighto of Rounds! Thehm Knights of Rounds are great, kick arse pilots.
Lelouch gained my sympathy, I like him now, but only a little bit, because Suzaku-kun is so bitter and cold. Gino is waaaaaayyy happier than him.
The ending was a total spin-off. I thought Lelouch died but in truth he's immortal? Well, I'm glad for him. Suzaku and the rest of the world can now live happily because Lelouch and C.C are travelling the country. haha for them.
But in reality...Lelouch is dead. Lelouch vi Britannia died and a new Lelouch Lamperouge was born. So yes. C.C is giddy because Lelouch will be with her for...forever...they are the immortals(!) and they rule!
In all decency, I'm happy about the ending. I'm happy for Kallen, Suzaku, Gino, Anya and Orange-kun (Jeremiah), Villetta, Ohgi, and Lelouch, C.C and everybody else.
This anime is a win for me and I love it. :D
Labels: awesome, Britannia, C.C, Code Geass, cornelia, euphemia, gino, guilford, Kallen, lelouch lamperouge, review, Suzaku, yey
How I want it {When I...err...die?}
Don't plan it for me,
Let me do it,
For in the afterlife,
I am still present
Here and
Let me do it,
For in the afterlife,
I am still present
Here and
I'm gonna be all mental right now, well, more so than usual, and make a list on what I'd like when I'm like...err...gone from this world. I'm that screwy of a person. Haha. Here's the list :
1. I'd want to be cremated. Because its so much more cooler and my parents can like, put my jar on a table and do vigil-vigil every other night and pray for me and then stick me in a corner where there's no light. Now that's demented! But seriously. Cremation is good for me. I wouldn't feel it if they burn me down, anyways.
2. I don't want SAD music to play when they bury me! I want Taylor Swift to play like, "Fifteen" in the background or, or, "Jibun WOOOOO!!" in honor of Code Geass or Amber Pacific or "When it Rains" by Paramore. Just not something so...bleak and sad. D: They can also play "We All Deserve to die...(Epiphany)" by Sweeney Todd OST. Yeah. The whole ST OST is an in for me when I'm all R.I.P. Like, play Broken by Seether and Amy Lee AND I want Nathaniel Marshall to SING, GODDAMMIT! SING AT MY FUNERAL! Let him sing "I will do anything" because I love him to death! D<
3. I don't want people to cry! Sheesh! When I'm dead I don't want them to cry cause, like, it's gonna be the last they're gonna see of me or my body and I don't want the moment to be ruined with their tears! I want them all to laugh. Laugh like maniacs and cry because of happiness! Okay, PEOPLE?!
4. I don't want the guests and me, myself, to be dressed in white OR black. I want to be dressed in fluffly colors that will brighten my day. Wait. Wait. What am I saying?! I'm going to get cremated...well...I want the job done. And whilst they put me in that haya thing...I hope they dress me in blindingly bright colors. And remember, people, play Sweeney Todd songs! Or...Taylor Swift. OR MILEY! JUST NOT JONAS BROTHERS! D<
5. I want my blog, yes, this blog, to be updated every week or as often as possible. Like, post stuff that says, "SHE'S DEAD" and shiz. And I want my YIM to be opened with somebody telling people that I've died or shiz like that.
6. When they read what I did as a person, I want them to state :
"Pauline was a fanfiction writer. She got into character and felt what she write, she was making herself part of the story. She WAS the story."
"RolePlaying was her forte."
"She listened to a lot of Taylor Swift songs."
"She was crazy. In a good way, mind you all."
"She had always loved Orlando Bloom and all his movies. Including Johnny Depp."
"She liked reading and writing and watching yaoi-animu."
"When she likes something, she REALLY liked it."
"Harry Potter was her savior."
"She loved it when Gerard Way from MCR said, 'Write some poetry, write a book, start a band...MAKE YOUR EFFIN' (fu-ing) MARK!)'"
"Naruto was the anime she had started writing for, besides Shaman King. She takes an interest on Konan of Akatsuki because "She can totally flip people off and show them her ring...you know that's gotta be like my favorite thing." And she has remained true to Deidara of the Akatsuki."
"Code Geass was good for her, too. She hated Lelouch Lamperouge/Vi Britannia with a passion for quite some time."
"...She was always the emotional one. Shedding a tear or two after watching a touching scene or reading one."
7. I want all my books, YES, INCLUDING YOU, HARRY POTTER, to be buried with me. :D
8. Except my Twilight series. I WANT IT TO BE BURNED!
9. Contradiction to number 7. I'm technically not going to be buried so...just leave my Harry Potter thingies in my room.
10. Animu. SAVE THEM FOR THEY ARE LIFE! I order all my family members and all my friends (barkada, close ones) to watch them all, in memory of me!
11. Maybe the only song that's going to be sad that'll be playing is "You Raise me Up" AND IT WILL NOT BE THE ONE FROM JOSH GROBAN! I want it done by Lena Park. My cousin, Lyn Ann, would know what this song is and where this song came from. -cough-KSJ-cough-
12. I want people to remember me as "The mental girl who died laughing. Literally."
13. I really want a huge picture of myself in my room. And my room should be left empty. Sorry, tita. Haha. Chances are, you're going to be in USA by then.
14. OMG! My world domination dream! Gah! Ruined!
15. I want the Queen of England or whoever the hell is the ruler of the crazy country to come to my burial. Ha!
16. I want people to say, "All Hail!" without a reason. Meh.
17. Going back on the huge picture, I want me to be PAINTED not to be shot. Okay? And technically, people can shoot me cause I believe in the saying, "Those allowed to shoot are those prepared to be shot." So shoot me all you want cause I'm already dead!
18. Before I die, I want to try shooting something. But when I'm dead already, people, just stick a gun in my limp and lifeless hand and use my finger, well, pull it or exert effort on it, to pull the trigger. Bwahahaha.
19. Okay. I'm frickishly serioush about this. D: I want me friends to like, not frickin forget me! I want all of them (Yes, that means you, too, Hope, Iona, Livanne and Micah) to be laughing like Hell when they be all "buuurrrn"-ing me. I'm sick. TO THE NEXT LEVEL.
20. When they like, burn me, I want posters of ALL the anime that I've watched to be hanging in the room and in MY bedroom! D<>
Okay. I've just out-freakified myself. Ohwell. I'm serious about this. I'll probably blog about my ultimo dream to rule over the world next time. :D
1. I'd want to be cremated. Because its so much more cooler and my parents can like, put my jar on a table and do vigil-vigil every other night and pray for me and then stick me in a corner where there's no light. Now that's demented! But seriously. Cremation is good for me. I wouldn't feel it if they burn me down, anyways.
2. I don't want SAD music to play when they bury me! I want Taylor Swift to play like, "Fifteen" in the background or, or, "Jibun WOOOOO!!" in honor of Code Geass or Amber Pacific or "When it Rains" by Paramore. Just not something so...bleak and sad. D: They can also play "We All Deserve to die...(Epiphany)" by Sweeney Todd OST. Yeah. The whole ST OST is an in for me when I'm all R.I.P. Like, play Broken by Seether and Amy Lee AND I want Nathaniel Marshall to SING, GODDAMMIT! SING AT MY FUNERAL! Let him sing "I will do anything" because I love him to death! D<
3. I don't want people to cry! Sheesh! When I'm dead I don't want them to cry cause, like, it's gonna be the last they're gonna see of me or my body and I don't want the moment to be ruined with their tears! I want them all to laugh. Laugh like maniacs and cry because of happiness! Okay, PEOPLE?!
4. I don't want the guests and me, myself, to be dressed in white OR black. I want to be dressed in fluffly colors that will brighten my day. Wait. Wait. What am I saying?! I'm going to get cremated...well...I want the job done. And whilst they put me in that haya thing...I hope they dress me in blindingly bright colors. And remember, people, play Sweeney Todd songs! Or...Taylor Swift. OR MILEY! JUST NOT JONAS BROTHERS! D<
5. I want my blog, yes, this blog, to be updated every week or as often as possible. Like, post stuff that says, "SHE'S DEAD" and shiz. And I want my YIM to be opened with somebody telling people that I've died or shiz like that.
6. When they read what I did as a person, I want them to state :
"Pauline was a fanfiction writer. She got into character and felt what she write, she was making herself part of the story. She WAS the story."
"RolePlaying was her forte."
"She listened to a lot of Taylor Swift songs."
"She was crazy. In a good way, mind you all."
"She had always loved Orlando Bloom and all his movies. Including Johnny Depp."
"She liked reading and writing and watching yaoi-animu."
"When she likes something, she REALLY liked it."
"Harry Potter was her savior."
"She loved it when Gerard Way from MCR said, 'Write some poetry, write a book, start a band...MAKE YOUR EFFIN' (fu-ing) MARK!)'"
"Naruto was the anime she had started writing for, besides Shaman King. She takes an interest on Konan of Akatsuki because "She can totally flip people off and show them her ring...you know that's gotta be like my favorite thing." And she has remained true to Deidara of the Akatsuki."
"Code Geass was good for her, too. She hated Lelouch Lamperouge/Vi Britannia with a passion for quite some time."
"...She was always the emotional one. Shedding a tear or two after watching a touching scene or reading one."
7. I want all my books, YES, INCLUDING YOU, HARRY POTTER, to be buried with me. :D
8. Except my Twilight series. I WANT IT TO BE BURNED!
9. Contradiction to number 7. I'm technically not going to be buried so...just leave my Harry Potter thingies in my room.
10. Animu. SAVE THEM FOR THEY ARE LIFE! I order all my family members and all my friends (barkada, close ones) to watch them all, in memory of me!
11. Maybe the only song that's going to be sad that'll be playing is "You Raise me Up" AND IT WILL NOT BE THE ONE FROM JOSH GROBAN! I want it done by Lena Park. My cousin, Lyn Ann, would know what this song is and where this song came from. -cough-KSJ-cough-
12. I want people to remember me as "The mental girl who died laughing. Literally."
13. I really want a huge picture of myself in my room. And my room should be left empty. Sorry, tita. Haha. Chances are, you're going to be in USA by then.
14. OMG! My world domination dream! Gah! Ruined!
15. I want the Queen of England or whoever the hell is the ruler of the crazy country to come to my burial. Ha!
16. I want people to say, "All Hail!" without a reason. Meh.
17. Going back on the huge picture, I want me to be PAINTED not to be shot. Okay? And technically, people can shoot me cause I believe in the saying, "Those allowed to shoot are those prepared to be shot." So shoot me all you want cause I'm already dead!
18. Before I die, I want to try shooting something. But when I'm dead already, people, just stick a gun in my limp and lifeless hand and use my finger, well, pull it or exert effort on it, to pull the trigger. Bwahahaha.
19. Okay. I'm frickishly serioush about this. D: I want me friends to like, not frickin forget me! I want all of them (Yes, that means you, too, Hope, Iona, Livanne and Micah) to be laughing like Hell when they be all "buuurrrn"-ing me. I'm sick. TO THE NEXT LEVEL.
20. When they like, burn me, I want posters of ALL the anime that I've watched to be hanging in the room and in MY bedroom! D<>
Okay. I've just out-freakified myself. Ohwell. I'm serious about this. I'll probably blog about my ultimo dream to rule over the world next time. :D
Randomnezz {With conversation}

Feel the wrath of Kaoru Hiatachiin! D:
Okay. I suck as an Ouran fan now. I can't tell them apart! Dear Jeezus!
Well. Anyways. Randomize, me, babe.
Hope and I were walking around and we were waiting for Iona and Livanne when boredom struck us!
Here is/was our conversation / / BISAYA STYLE! XD \ \
Kris : -stands up-
Hope : -follows-
Kris : -walks around for a while-
Hope : -follows-
Kris : -turns around- Aha ta? (where to?)
Hope : Ikaw una bah. (You first, yeah.)
Kris : Why?
Hope : Di ko kabalo aha mo adto, na. (Idk where to go. Meh...)
Kris : ...o___o''?
Hope : Random baya ka nga tao. Ga tuyoktuyok ra ka. (You're a random person. You keep going in circles.)
Kris : ...Ah. Danhi ra ta. (Let's stay here.)
Hope : Okay.
Kris : Let's just wait for them here.
Hope : ...Kay.
Kris : Is that my father?
Hope : ...what?
Kris : Is that dad?!
Hope : Kris! It's your dad!
Kris : -___-'' I know.
End of our conversation.
One that lacks sense, purporse and all that shinnimajigs.
And no. I will not contradict you, Hope. I'm random. Damn random. D:
Okay. I suck as an Ouran fan now. I can't tell them apart! Dear Jeezus!
Well. Anyways. Randomize, me, babe.
Hope and I were walking around and we were waiting for Iona and Livanne when boredom struck us!
Here is/was our conversation / / BISAYA STYLE! XD \ \
Kris : -stands up-
Hope : -follows-
Kris : -walks around for a while-
Hope : -follows-
Kris : -turns around- Aha ta? (where to?)
Hope : Ikaw una bah. (You first, yeah.)
Kris : Why?
Hope : Di ko kabalo aha mo adto, na. (Idk where to go. Meh...)
Kris : ...o___o''?
Hope : Random baya ka nga tao. Ga tuyoktuyok ra ka. (You're a random person. You keep going in circles.)
Kris : ...Ah. Danhi ra ta. (Let's stay here.)
Hope : Okay.
Kris : Let's just wait for them here.
Hope : ...Kay.
Kris : Is that my father?
Hope : ...what?
Kris : Is that dad?!
Hope : Kris! It's your dad!
Kris : -___-'' I know.
End of our conversation.
One that lacks sense, purporse and all that shinnimajigs.
And no. I will not contradict you, Hope. I'm random. Damn random. D: