I'm Sick T_________T''
Monday, March 30, 2009
And I'm not even
Pulling anyone's leg
Right now,
I'm here to say,
I'm down in the dumps,
I'm sick D:

I feel so sick right now. I have colds and coughs and it is so not cool. That's why the AC isn't on. D: It started yesterday, I think. And I just got my award. Journalistic Award or something.
Oh, oh, did you know? I failed Computer. 73. My average is 85.something, though. Maybe my teacher was just drunk (fat chance) and her pen slipped? Oh, a girl can dream.
As always, Nana, my younger sister, is top and meh. Meh. Meh. I don't feel like eating ice cream or chocolate right now. All I want to do is curl up in my bed...
And sleep...And hope that tomorrow, I'll be feeling A-okay.
Labels: award, computer, down, drat, effed, failed, leg, sick, SUCKISH
What about me?
None other than your local Narcissa.
Kris Pauline Young. Kris. Pauline. Lin. Krissy. Kurisu. You can call her whatever you want, hun.
She is 14, going 15 this August.
She is an incoming Junior.
She may not look it but she's a swimmer.
She is also a writer.
She is an artist in her own right.
She rants.
She bitches at people who bitches at her.
She is an anime freak.
She is a music lover.
She supports a lot of things.
She has dropped her sanity when she entered highschool.
She thinks she's nerdy and geekish. But she also thinks she's cool like that.
She is(n't) a perv. In a way she is, in another way she isn't.
Hear her talk about things that pop into her head.
My Melody
Plz don't stop the music.
-will edit later-
I'm Sick T_________T''
Monday, March 30, 2009
And I'm not even
Pulling anyone's leg
Right now,
I'm here to say,
I'm down in the dumps,
I'm sick D:

I feel so sick right now. I have colds and coughs and it is so not cool. That's why the AC isn't on. D: It started yesterday, I think. And I just got my award. Journalistic Award or something.
Oh, oh, did you know? I failed Computer. 73. My average is 85.something, though. Maybe my teacher was just drunk (fat chance) and her pen slipped? Oh, a girl can dream.
As always, Nana, my younger sister, is top and meh. Meh. Meh. I don't feel like eating ice cream or chocolate right now. All I want to do is curl up in my bed...
And sleep...And hope that tomorrow, I'll be feeling A-okay.
Labels: award, computer, down, drat, effed, failed, leg, sick, SUCKISH
Your exit out of Here
My fanfic
Ria's LJ
Aile's LJ
Ria's blog
Aile's blog
Meshi's blog
Powhlah's blog
Gail's blog
Daniella's blog
What happened
Mar 5, 2009
Mar 6, 2009
Mar 7, 2009
Mar 8, 2009
Mar 9, 2009
Mar 10, 2009
Mar 11, 2009
Mar 13, 2009
Mar 18, 2009
Mar 19, 2009
Mar 21, 2009
Mar 22, 2009
Mar 26, 2009
Mar 27, 2009
Mar 29, 2009
Mar 30, 2009
Apr 2, 2009
Apr 7, 2009
Apr 15, 2009
Jul 29, 2009
Cheers for the Them
++This was designed by
++Words, sayings and pretty much the whole Tag section was edited by moi (I don't like tag sections. >.>;; GogogMusic!) - Kris / / MudBanny.