o8-o9 {{List of people who HELPED}}
Saturday, March 21, 2009
People say it's easy,
It just went like a breeze,
Hey, hey, hold up, bud,
Sophomore year has just ended,
Lets all tie the ribbon,
Lets all put an end,
Because Sophies, we are no more
Hoping to the good old Hell that we'd
Survive 3rd Year,
Yes, Sophomore year
It just went like a breeze,
Hey, hey, hold up, bud,
Sophomore year has just ended,
Lets all tie the ribbon,
Lets all put an end,
Because Sophies, we are no more
Hoping to the good old Hell that we'd
Survive 3rd Year,
Yes, Sophomore year

So there I was, sitting in the car, with mama driving and I was thinking : Hey, it's summer already...And I'm pretty confident about my scores...Haha...no more school. And then, like, heck, it hit me! School's over and I won't get to see a few people, YM does not count, okay? And I probably won't see them even more if I transfer to Xavier...so hmm...So I'm going to dedicate this whole entry to all the good guys that helped me along the way in my Sophomore year.
Before I list all the names and the reasons, let me say a few things about this school year.
Sophomore year is nothing compared to Freshman year. As a second year...we seriously just threw all our cares away. So it's true that Sopho year is one of the easiest years of high school. Haha. Well, I guess it was because we were used and were expecting the unexpected...maybe that's why I found it easy. The exams were a fail though, still frickin hard but hey, at least we learned.
We did a lot of stupid things in Year 2 Gratitude and I'm pretty much happy that we didn't get in too much trouble. My classmates are insane, but they're the good kind of insane. Even though there is not a day that our class doesn't break out and form a riot, we still have our laughs. And trust me, laughing is one hell of a medicine to survive one period in class.
So yeah. Lets drop the titles of Sophomores and put on our new IDs because this opening, we're going to be Juniors. Lets all have a ball and hype up for the prom and lets all be ready to say goodbye to the insanity when we graduate because High school is just one short journey that is fun like hell.
Friends. Foes. Classmates. People. You know who you are.
Throughout this school year, I've made my bonds with my friends stronger. I've learned to hate somebody, but then in the end I apologized and said, "Lets be friends." because I know deep inside me that I am [strike]evil[/strike] nice person. So here are the list of all the people that has been nice to Kris Pauline J. Young, whether you're from my section, Gratitude, or from Generosity or Obedience, just because you've helped me once, you'll be here.
I'm gonna start off with my best friend, hey, we've been classmates for like...2 years. High school only. The other two (and the other one is in XU. Haha. Micah.) are in another class. Bwahaha.
Here, I present to you...THE AWESOME PIPOLZ LIST:
1. Hope Ysabelle Ong - haha. I can still feel ever shove you've given me, yeah. Bwahahah. Oh wait. You're gonna massacre me this Monday when you get to my house so...umm...yeahh...Oh well. You've done cool things for me this year.
2. Herman Tan - dude, without you, I would've failed in my projects. I can't count how many times I've run to you and buzzed you on YM saying, "Herman! Help me! Please!" so yes. Thanks, mate. Your poems are great, better than mine. (I rock at the field of writing stories neways. haha. :D)
3. Iona Kiarra Verdad - omg. twinny! bwahahaha. nahhh. wait. YOU'RE USELESS TO ME THIS YEAR. WTF DID YOU DO?! D<>
4. Rowena Pagaduan - hey, hey, girl. remember what I said? I meant it. You've helped me loads in Bio. :D Thanks.
5. Livanne Po - ...USELESS TWAT. (you're one of my tight friends...so i think I have to put you here. meh.)
6. Rovi Maputi - thanks, Rove, you've done loads for me.
7. JV Ong - hahah! Jayvvvv!! Lingaw ko, bai. Haha. Sige hilabtan si Hope. (Sorryy Hope!)
8. Legine Dy - somehow...murag nag kasinabot ta karong last quarter...haha Lej. Buang jud ka. Thanks for the...err...answers?
9. Patricia Getueza - Pat, I'll miss you when you go to Manila. Lingaw japun ka nga tao. Thanks. ^____^
10. Lawrence Ting - YOU USELESS, PERVERTED, JERKISH, ARROGANT, IDIOT. Senpai. Sensei. WHATEVER. The only thing I learned from you is that "Thou must not use a fork when drinking soup." oh...and theres "Never be afraid to raise your hand. learn from your mistakes." (Or was that Herman? Anyways.) Anyways, Senpai, you're still stupid. I hate you. No thanks to you cause you're a jerk.
11. Danica Caberte - oh...why are you number 11? Wait...Lawrence should be 11...DAMN YOU, YOU FILTHY ELEVEN (talking to Lawrence). So yeah. Bwahahah. Who knew Twilight could like...actually...make us good friends? But now I hate Twilight and you're starting not to like it but you're sitll all up for Taylor Lautner and I like the dude so it's all cool! I'm slowly converting you to become an HP fan! Haha! Anime! Jigoku Shoujo is hell for you, yeah. Go Ren-kun!
12. Micah Noelle Francheska Viado - you might be all "WAI?!" when you see that I've used your full name, rather than just your first. As you can see...I like your name, Micz. And even though naa naka XU, buang japun ka. Tee hee hee. You didn't help me this year but you're not useless. We have our gos, our rounds, but I always win. Get that, I always win.
13. Mikee Parell - akong buang na igagaw. Wahaha. Lingaw baya kah. But...why are you in this list anyway? Helped me in school...nope. Murag si Lyn Ann...
14. Louisse Lyn Antoinette Young - ...Hmm...Helped me a bit in my writing. Yey! :D
15. Nikaia Secretaria - Pshaaa. Thank you Hope for reminding me about Nikaia. So yes. Nikaia...thanks for the help! Even though you copy my Bio answers sometimes. XD;;
16. Ri-ri (Ria) Marban - dudette. You are...one heck of an anti chill pill. :D We're just so hyped up together, you listen to me when I rant and I listen to you when I rant. You rock, Ri! :3 Oh. And you introduced me to the beauty of Kuroshitsuji, Code Geass, Love Monster and Vampire Knight. You rock even more for that.
17. Andre Hojas - Did you know that it was you that made me get into the Harry Potter fandom? Well, now you know. You're an idiot pero thanks kay ikaw sal-an na im crazy about Harry Potter now.
18. Jerick Fermano - haha. you made the whole class go "LOL" at one point and in the next you made us all hate you coz ikaw sal-an dugay mi nanguli. pero lingaw baya ka, Jerk...err...I mean Jerick. :))
19. Liezel Tan - Liezel...you were crazy. And...wa ta mag kasinabot usahay pero lingaw ka. Haha.
20. TRAITOR. I mean,allen jay wee eng - SNOB. SNOB. SNOB. TRAITOR. . .
Um...you know what? Why did I even think about putting you in this list? We rarely talk, we ignore each other. ("Kinsay snob sa ato? Ikaw ray di ga pamansin!" - Allen) Okay. Not my fault. STFU, stupid last minute conversations with the idiot. Meh. Okay. We're good friends. We're still cool now even though I ignore you for very selfish reasons. You're...(stumped. no words). Wait. Tee hee hee. I mean that. Oh well. Wow. Taas lageh ni bai. :)) Oh well. You're not useful to me this year. But you're one of myclose good friends so yeah. Here. 20. Whatever.
So yes. They're not awesome but yeah. I can't put all the others in this list cause it's gonna be quite long. Hm. Thats all for now~! :D
Before I list all the names and the reasons, let me say a few things about this school year.
Sophomore year is nothing compared to Freshman year. As a second year...we seriously just threw all our cares away. So it's true that Sopho year is one of the easiest years of high school. Haha. Well, I guess it was because we were used and were expecting the unexpected...maybe that's why I found it easy. The exams were a fail though, still frickin hard but hey, at least we learned.
We did a lot of stupid things in Year 2 Gratitude and I'm pretty much happy that we didn't get in too much trouble. My classmates are insane, but they're the good kind of insane. Even though there is not a day that our class doesn't break out and form a riot, we still have our laughs. And trust me, laughing is one hell of a medicine to survive one period in class.
So yeah. Lets drop the titles of Sophomores and put on our new IDs because this opening, we're going to be Juniors. Lets all have a ball and hype up for the prom and lets all be ready to say goodbye to the insanity when we graduate because High school is just one short journey that is fun like hell.
Friends. Foes. Classmates. People. You know who you are.
Throughout this school year, I've made my bonds with my friends stronger. I've learned to hate somebody, but then in the end I apologized and said, "Lets be friends." because I know deep inside me that I am [strike]evil[/strike] nice person. So here are the list of all the people that has been nice to Kris Pauline J. Young, whether you're from my section, Gratitude, or from Generosity or Obedience, just because you've helped me once, you'll be here.
I'm gonna start off with my best friend, hey, we've been classmates for like...2 years. High school only. The other two (and the other one is in XU. Haha. Micah.) are in another class. Bwahaha.
Here, I present to you...THE AWESOME PIPOLZ LIST:
1. Hope Ysabelle Ong - haha. I can still feel ever shove you've given me, yeah. Bwahahah. Oh wait. You're gonna massacre me this Monday when you get to my house so...umm...yeahh...Oh well. You've done cool things for me this year.
2. Herman Tan - dude, without you, I would've failed in my projects. I can't count how many times I've run to you and buzzed you on YM saying, "Herman! Help me! Please!" so yes. Thanks, mate. Your poems are great, better than mine. (I rock at the field of writing stories neways. haha. :D)
3. Iona Kiarra Verdad - omg. twinny! bwahahaha. nahhh. wait. YOU'RE USELESS TO ME THIS YEAR. WTF DID YOU DO?! D<>
4. Rowena Pagaduan - hey, hey, girl. remember what I said? I meant it. You've helped me loads in Bio. :D Thanks.
5. Livanne Po - ...USELESS TWAT. (you're one of my tight friends...so i think I have to put you here. meh.)
6. Rovi Maputi - thanks, Rove, you've done loads for me.
7. JV Ong - hahah! Jayvvvv!! Lingaw ko, bai. Haha. Sige hilabtan si Hope. (Sorryy Hope!)
8. Legine Dy - somehow...murag nag kasinabot ta karong last quarter...haha Lej. Buang jud ka. Thanks for the...err...answers?
9. Patricia Getueza - Pat, I'll miss you when you go to Manila. Lingaw japun ka nga tao. Thanks. ^____^
10. Lawrence Ting - YOU USELESS, PERVERTED, JERKISH, ARROGANT, IDIOT. Senpai. Sensei. WHATEVER. The only thing I learned from you is that "Thou must not use a fork when drinking soup." oh...and theres "Never be afraid to raise your hand. learn from your mistakes." (Or was that Herman? Anyways.) Anyways, Senpai, you're still stupid. I hate you. No thanks to you cause you're a jerk.
11. Danica Caberte - oh...why are you number 11? Wait...Lawrence should be 11...DAMN YOU, YOU FILTHY ELEVEN (talking to Lawrence). So yeah. Bwahahah. Who knew Twilight could like...actually...make us good friends? But now I hate Twilight and you're starting not to like it but you're sitll all up for Taylor Lautner and I like the dude so it's all cool! I'm slowly converting you to become an HP fan! Haha! Anime! Jigoku Shoujo is hell for you, yeah. Go Ren-kun!
12. Micah Noelle Francheska Viado - you might be all "WAI?!" when you see that I've used your full name, rather than just your first. As you can see...I like your name, Micz. And even though naa naka XU, buang japun ka. Tee hee hee. You didn't help me this year but you're not useless. We have our gos, our rounds, but I always win. Get that, I always win.
13. Mikee Parell - akong buang na igagaw. Wahaha. Lingaw baya kah. But...why are you in this list anyway? Helped me in school...nope. Murag si Lyn Ann...
14. Louisse Lyn Antoinette Young - ...Hmm...Helped me a bit in my writing. Yey! :D
15. Nikaia Secretaria - Pshaaa. Thank you Hope for reminding me about Nikaia. So yes. Nikaia...thanks for the help! Even though you copy my Bio answers sometimes. XD;;
16. Ri-ri (Ria) Marban - dudette. You are...one heck of an anti chill pill. :D We're just so hyped up together, you listen to me when I rant and I listen to you when I rant. You rock, Ri! :3 Oh. And you introduced me to the beauty of Kuroshitsuji, Code Geass, Love Monster and Vampire Knight. You rock even more for that.
17. Andre Hojas - Did you know that it was you that made me get into the Harry Potter fandom? Well, now you know. You're an idiot pero thanks kay ikaw sal-an na im crazy about Harry Potter now.
18. Jerick Fermano - haha. you made the whole class go "LOL" at one point and in the next you made us all hate you coz ikaw sal-an dugay mi nanguli. pero lingaw baya ka, Jerk...err...I mean Jerick. :))
19. Liezel Tan - Liezel...you were crazy. And...wa ta mag kasinabot usahay pero lingaw ka. Haha.
20. TRAITOR. I mean,
Um...you know what? Why did I even think about putting you in this list? We rarely talk, we ignore each other. ("Kinsay snob sa ato? Ikaw ray di ga pamansin!" - Allen) Okay. Not my fault. STFU, stupid last minute conversations with the idiot. Meh. Okay. We're good friends. We're still cool now even though I ignore you for very selfish reasons. You're...(stumped. no words). Wait. Tee hee hee. I mean that. Oh well. Wow. Taas lageh ni bai. :)) Oh well. You're not useful to me this year. But you're one of my
So yes. They're not awesome but yeah. I can't put all the others in this list cause it's gonna be quite long. Hm. Thats all for now~! :D